IT Courses & Business Guidance Program

SIO Telangana organized IT Courses & Business Guidance Program on July 27, 2024, in collaboration with Professionals Solidarity Forum (PSF), SD Hub (managed by PSF) and Rifah Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

During the event, the PSF team delivered an engaging presentation on the latest technological advancements and the vast career opportunities they offer. Highlighting both job oriented and emerging technologies, PSF’s experts detailed the qualifications and skills necessary for individuals to excel in these fields. From coding and data analytics to artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, the session covered a broad spectrum of career paths, catering to various interests and skill levels.

Presentation highlighting how PSF dedicated to helping aspirants achieve their career goals, was made. Through a range of programs and initiatives, PSF provides essential support to individuals at every stage of their professional journey. Whether it’s through mentorship, training sessions, or networking opportunities, PSF ensures that aspirants have access to the resources they need to succeed.