
Explore Hyderabad Heritage Walk

On June 23, 2024, the Professionals Solidarity Forum, in collaboration with Sufi Trails, organized the “Explore Hyderabad Heritage” walk, curated by Dr. Haseeb Jaffri. The walk began at the historic Badshahi Ashurkhana and concluded at the iconic Charminar, covering several significant landmarks along the way. Participants explored Dewan Deodi, the Madina Building, Pather Ghatti, Gulzar […]

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Drug awareness session by PSF

PSF Delivered Key Drug Awareness Presentation at Hitex

Hyderabad, 19th May 2024 — Professionals Solidarity Forum (PSF), representing collaboration with the Hyderabad City Security Council (HCSC), delivered a crucial awareness presentation on “Campaign Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” at the IGBC Green Property Show held at Hitex on 19th May, 2024.   The presentation, delivered by Fakhruddin Ali of PSF, focused on

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PSF at Education Fair’ 24

Professional Solidarity Forum participated in the recently concluded Education Fair’ 24 on 3rd and 4th May, at Kings Crown Function Hall. Our Team Led by Mr. Shaikh Anwar from JCG Wing provided free Career Guidance to the Students and the Parents. They were very happy to learn that we have whole lot of programs under

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Family Day Celebrations

PSF hosted a delightful Family Day celebration. Members, along with spouses and kids, enjoyed a day of networking and fun. Highlights included a World Cafe activity led by international trainer Dr. Haseeb Jafferi, followed by a sumptuous lunch. Kids enjoyed the painting & fun learning activities. It was a memorable day of building connections and

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Explore Hyderabad Heritage Walk

Professionals Solidarity Forum (PSF) hosted an enriching Explore Hyderabad Heritage Walk, drawing participants from all corners of the city and diverse backgrounds. Dr. Haseeb Jafferi mesmerized the crowd with his captivating storytelling, weaving tales of the city’s vibrant history. From seasoned IT professionals and their families to curious locals, everyone left enchanted by Dr. Saab’s

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PSF Outing 2024

Professionals from diverse backgrounds gathered at Sports City Resort for the Professional Solidarity Forum (PSF) outing, a day packed with team-building activities, sports matches, and collaborative sessions. The event kicked off with dynamic team-building exercises, followed by spirited sports matches including football, volleyball, and swimming, fostering camaraderie and healthy competition among participants. Amidst the excitement,

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